Finally, my site is up again, yey! 😀 I’ve been finding an affordable and good web hosting. I hope this one that I’m using is good enough that I shouldn’t have to switch. Now that my site is up again I can post again. 🙂

July have been busy month for me in different ways – my website issue, fulfilling orders, finishing projects and meetings in my full time job and also went out of town to support my husband who’s competing for Spartan Race and have a vacation as well and of course meeting fellow Filipino embroiderers!

Getting myself into embroidery not only comprise of just doing embroidery but also getting to know other embroiderers and enthusiasts. It’s good to know that there are a few number here in the Philippines and to actually get in touch with them personally.

A Facebook group, named Embroidery Enthusiasts, was formed recently by Mellie, the person behind That’s So Cute Bags, and organized the first meetup last July 27. It’s a birth of a new embroidery community in the Philippines, if not the first! 😀 By the way, the symbol that resembles a butterfly in the featured image is the logo of the group. It was a great time of getting to know each other, sharing thoughts, knowledge and experiences, and good laughs. It’s great to meet the people behind those wonderful pieces.

For months that I have been doing embroidery I say that hand embroidery as an art is not yet as popular here but it’s gaining its recognition progressively. And that’s one of our goal as a group – to share this beautiful craft to everyone, especially locally! <3

Here are our photos and I listed the attendees and their IG accounts also. Checkout their accounts and do follow them! They are doing really beautiful embroideries! <3

Embroidery Enthusiasts PH First Meetup!

Embroidery Enthusiasts PH First Meetup!
