An All Seasons Wreath Hand Embroidery Pattern to Glow any Occasion 🌟

My newest pattern is now up in my store - Glow Seasons Wreath Hand Embroidery Pattern! Since I've started making hand embroidery patterns [...]

By |2023-01-06T03:13:34+08:00October 15th, 2021|Christmas, DIY Ideas, Embroidery, General, Home Decor, Journal|

Air Dry Clay Bracelet and Keychain Charms

I've been interested to learn pottery but wasn't really get the chance. And while I was browsing through the craft shelves of a nearby bookstore I saw Air Dry Clay and got curious about it. I checked out what I can do with it, got excited about it and gave it a try.

By |2019-02-09T17:13:01+08:00February 9th, 2019|Artsy, Design, DIY Ideas, Journal|

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