We’ve reached already half of the year and it feels like the year had just started, do you also feel the same? The first half has been busy and interesting, and of course I need to get back on my feature post on Heartily Spotted! 😄  And for my second feature…spotlight is on for Odessa of Ever After Art! 🥳🎉

Oh by the way, I recently decided to change the name of this journal series from Heartily Features to Heartily Spotted. I like the idea of being spotted, as in making the artist and the brand standout by way of how I also appreciate and see the craft personally as uniquely on its own 💎

My ate for June 🌹

Odessa, is actually my big sister, “ate” as we call it in Filipino. She really loves the arts and really skilled in making artsy pieces and doing crafts. Graduated with a Fine Arts degree and helped me and my siblings a lot in our artsy projects growing up.  I believe I get to appreciate and hop on to the world of arts when I was very little because I mainly I see her do it. She’s been my big art influence and was really supportive in me pursuing it! 💗🎨

She had her birthday this month and I thought it would be great to feature her in her birth month 😃🎂 Since we were little until now that she has her own family she did not waiver to be creative in different ways, especially in the field of arts. And I’m just so happy and proud to see that! 💖

To share her creative work to the world she created Ever After Art, which is mainly displayed through her social media channels. I gave her one of the first batches of embroidered brooches that I stitched as a  mother’s day gift. And she then made an art inspired by the brooch design. Here’s a post of that floral watercolor piece she painted in her Instagram account.

Get to know Ever After Art by Odessa 🌟

Ever After Art is channel where ate Odessa expresses her art through watercolor painting, arts and crafts.

Ever After Art as ate Odessa describes “is being able to create art in a way to not only to artistically communicate but also to touch the hearts of every people we reach and stay with them as memories and keepsakes, thus ever after.”

Heartily Handcrafted Spotted: Ever After Art by Odessa

Ever After Art, a platform to touch the hearts of every people we reach and stay with them as memories and keepsakes, thus ever after.

Original handpainted art you can take home

She provides commissioned watercolor paints. She have available onhand original and handpainted watercolor paints that are ready for purchase. She also have arts and crafts such as handpainted bookmarks and coasters. Her watercolor paintings will also be available as digital downloads.

A Glimpse of Flowy Floral Vibrancy 🌹

One of the key things I love about her art is how vibrant and flowy they are. Every detail seems to flow in unison with each other, from the tiniest to the largest. The vibrant colors add to the detail that makes the overall piece alive. Many of her motifs consist of flower and plant stills with inspiring words that always light up your soul. I’ve collected some of her beautiful pieces here! Enjoy viewing! 🥰📸


And here are sample photos of the pieces she made for the services she offer such as original design of invitation suites and  watercolor color painted crafts like bookmarks and labels/displays for events and home:

Get in touch with Ever After Art 🎨

Get to see more of her lovely colorful and vibrant floral watercolor art and craft pieces in her social media accounts. And if any of them interests you or you’ve been on the lookout to have a custom art made for yourself or your loved ones, don’t hesitate to reach out to her through the following channels:

Don’t forget to follow her account and be updated of her new artworks, items for sale, events and promos! 👍🏻

Thus, Ever After 💞

As what her craft aims, that is to touch people’s hearts from here and on, I believe that every stroke of her brush speaks for it. I’m personally glad she is able to strive, thrive and flourish in her art and craft even now that she has a growing family of three beautiful children. And to also share her love and passion for the arts with her kids! 😍

May this journal not only inspired you, but also encouraged you to pursue the gifts that God has given you. You may never know the positive impact of your craft to people around you and even to the next generation. Have a blessed day and take care! 💐✨

Heartily yours,
Sarrah 💛