My channel has been there since I created my google account but was silent for long time now. Thought of uploading videos since last year but was not really eager about it since I think I would not have the time to do all the work needed (setting up the channel, recording, editing, etc.).
Recently, I was doing a DIY craft project that I will also be posting soon (so please tune in!) and I’m adding a embroidery part on it. So, I thought of doing a video on that embroidery part so it will be easier to follow. And since it’s already a video, I though why not upload it in Youtube so I can embed it easily and I can already have something in my channel 😀 And the subject is just perfect – a simple floral hand embroidery! 🌼 So I spared some time to actually to set up my channel, do the recording and make a little editing (that bit of editing actually consumed a significant time, haha).
My main goal for this channel is be a source of something that will be useful and helpful for the viewers to learn something about the crafts that I love doing to the best of my knowledge and know how. So, they can do it too and be happy about it 💛
Here are some links that you might like to checkout:
- My channel:
- Video demo:
Have an awesome and blessed day! God bless you all! 🙂